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A set of reagents for detecting SARS-CoV-2 RNA using loop isothermal amplification.

Indications for use

GENERIUM, together with MBS LLC, has registered a new unique set of reagents that combines the loop isothermal amplification method (LAMP) and RNA sorption on magnetic particles.

The LAMP (Loop-mediated isothermal amplification) method has successfully established itself as a modern alternative to classical PCR. It allows you to analyze a larger number of samples in the same time compared to PCR, without requiring special equipment and additional personnel, which is critical when laboratories are busy during a pandemic.


A hotline has been set up for questions regarding testing.

Phone No.: 8 (495) 988-47-94

on technical characteristics and methodological features of the test system – dial ext. 7105

regarding the purchase of a test system – ext. 7060

on the diagnostic significance of the test system – ext. 7098



To determine the presence or absence of infectious agents in human biological fluids, amplification of the genetic material of the infectious agent is carried out. An innovation is the combination of LAMP with the method of RNA extraction using magnetic particles. These particles help extract the RNA of the SARS-CoV-2 virus by collecting it on themselves. Impurities, of which there are a lot (for example, in a nasopharyngeal smear), remain in the solution and “do not interfere” with the reaction. A significant advantage of the MagniTest kit is the minimization of the likelihood of a false negative result. The absence of centrifugation is also an advantage of the kit. If the laboratory is equipped to carry out classical PCR, no additional equipment is required except a magnetic stand. The test system uses a combination of loop isothermal amplification and RNA isolation using magnetic particles. This technique is based on the reaction of nucleic acid synthesis with strand displacement, catalyzed by DNA polymerase I from the thermophilic bacterium Bacillus stearothermophilus. Distinctive features of loop isothermal amplification are the reaction at a constant temperature of 60–65 °C, rapid accumulation of reaction products (15–60 min), the ability to combine the reaction with reverse transcription in one tube, low sensitivity to impurities, and the ability to use blood as a starting matrix or other biological fluids. Detection of the presence or absence of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus RNA in human biological fluids includes two stages: extraction of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus RNA from analyzed samples and loop isothermal amplification using specific oligonucleotide sequences and modified DNA polymerase I from thermophilic bacteria Bacillus stearothermophilus.